Other Information

1)      Parents can see the Principal between 9.00 & 10.30 a.m. on all working days, except Saturday.
2)      The account section of the school and sale of stationary will be from 9 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. only.
3)      Information regarding any matter will be available with the clerk / office incharge.
4)      Entry in the school office is strictly prohibited.


a) Transfer Certificate will be issued only on the production of a written application from the parent or guardian.
b) Transfer Certificates will be issued only to those who have fully settled all the dues.
c) Pupils leaving the school in the middle of the term must pay the fees for the full term.

Chinmaya English Primary School expects the Parents / Guardians :

  1. To closely monitor the progress of their wards in their studies and take remedial steps, if required.
  2. To encourage the children to conform to the discipline of the school.
  3. To give support and positive encouragement to their wards to better their performance both in academic and extra-curricular activities.
  4. To check and correct the deviant behavior of the children, if noticed, early enough.
  5. To encourage children to imbibe right values by practice and precept.
  6. To seek the advice of the school for mid course correction, if required, in their academic pursuits.
  7. To pay the fee and other charges as may be prescribed promptly.

To support the school in all its endeavour to improve the school both in terms of academic performance and in other areas.

Note to Parents :
a) If Parents are found to be involving themselves directly or indirectly with the administration of the school, it reserves the right to remove the names of their children from the rolls of the school.
b) The diary is an effective medium of parent – teacher communication. Parents should check the diary daily, note the teacher’s remarks and sign it.
c) Parents who seek information or wish to communicate with the teachers about their ward’s class problems may do so through a note to the class teacher. They can meet the teachers personally on prior appointments.

School Discipline : General Rules and  Regulations:
School gate will be closed at 9.25 am. Hence parents should drop their children in the school by 9.20 am sharp (Monday to Friday and by 8.25 am on Saturday.)
a) Students should reach the school before the first bell. Late comers should get the late attendance record signed by their parents. Repeated late comers will be sent back.
b) The school is not responsible for the loss of personal property brought to school by students. Jewellery must not be worn while coming to the school.
c) Writing or scribbling on walls, dirtying the class room or damaging any school property is forbidden. Damage to school property is the liability of the parents.
d) No private tuitions by the school staff is permitted without the approval of the Principal / Head of the Institution.Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct are expected from the students. Every student is expected to live up to the moral and spiritual standard set by the school.
f) Upon meeting teachers or other staff for the first time, whether in the school premises or outside, students should greet them with “Hari Om”.
g) Students should conduct themselves both in the school and outside with dignity and decorum. They should remember that they are part and parcel of the great Chinmaya Movement.
h) No Pupil suffering from an infectious disease shall be allowed to attend school.
i) Every pupil must take part in the curricular and co-curricular activities of the school unless exempted by the Principal.
j) Collection of money by students for any purpose requires the Principal’s prior permission.
k) Students are discouraged from buying eatables from vendors.

l) To ensure uniformity, students are required to buy books and uniforms including sweater from the school only.
m) Parents and guardians are advised not to call their children or wards from class-rooms to attend social functions. No student is allowed to leave the school without the permission of the Principal / Head of the Institution during the school hours. (Prior permission to be taken if the child wants to go 1/2 days)
n) The school reserves the right to dismiss a pupil on grounds of irregular attendance, habitual lack of application, disobedience to teachers and any kind of indiscipline, objectionable behaviour not in keeping with the dignity of the school inside the premises or elsewhere.

  • Parents are requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are followed. Rules are subject to modification in the interest of the school.

p) Children must be collected by parents within half an hour after the school bell. After that school cannot be responsible for children.

q) Parents should also maintain the details of the mode of transport of their ward, viz, vehicle no, driver’s name, phone no. & address. In case of the absence of regular auto-driver the new auto-man should bring the proper identification for taking the child.
r) Staff and students are not permitted to go home for lunch.
s) Parents MUST meet teachers personally on all “REPORT DAYS” to discuss about their ward’s “Performance”.
t) Parents should see that the school diary is handled carefully Mutilated diaries should be replaced by new ones.
u) During school functions parents are requested to come in time and remain in their seats till the function is over and take away their wards as and when announced.
v) Each child should learn all the Shlokas, Songs, Prayers by memorisation given in the diary.
w) The name, admission number, class, section and house of the student should clearly be marked on their belongings.
x) No colour dress for B’day celebrations.
y) Speaking in English is compulsory with teachers & friends otherwise they will be penalised.

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