Personality Development


It aims at the overall unfoldment and gentle blossoming of the child at the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual levels of his/her personality.

Physical Development

It implies good health and proper growth of children leading to the optimum expression of their overall well-being. It includes physical fitness, nutrition, hygiene, personal grooming, health education, health assessment, prevention of diseases and their treatment.

Mental Development

It aims at making the child an emotionally balanced person. It thereby helps him/her to live in harmony with himself/ herself and the world. It includes emotional expansion, handling emotions, handling relationships, gender specific education, mental health assessment and counselling.

Intellectual Development

Man has infinite intellectual potential. Under this head, CVP aims to help the child manifest his/her inherent intellectual capacities and enhance existing ones. It includes intellectual kindling, independent thinking, management skills, aesthetics, intellectual assessment and guidance.

Spiritual Development

Man is potentially divine. Spiritual Development enables the child to discover his/her inherent divinity and manifest it. It is achieved through value education, value based education, philosophy, meditation techniques, yoga etc.


Culture is more than just art forms, festivals and rituals. Culture is the very way of life of a race and its thinking, which makes it unique and special. Under this head, the child is given a wide exposure to various aspects of our culture, cultural awareness and appreciation of the vast literacy, artistic and scientific heritage of India, explanations of customs and traditions and cultural motivation through hobbies and projects, etc.


This vital area of focus includes education in citizenship, civic consciousness, fostering pride in being Indian and vital national concerns such as unity in diversity. It aims at creating dedicated and committed citizens who take real pride in serving the nation.


Universal Outlook refers to an appreciation, sensitivity and commitment to universal issues. After years of mindless pillage of nature, the world needs to come back to a universal holistic view of life. A universal outlook helps the child view himself/herself as a responsible citizen of the world (including world issues), live in harmony with creation (environment education and the synthesis between science and religion) as well as become aware of being an intrinsic part of the macrocosm.

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