Category Archives: Student Corner

Maharshi Valmiki Jayanthi (24-10-2018)

Valmiki Jayanthi

Valmiki Jayanthi was celebrated on the birth anniversary of the great author Maharshi Valmiki. It is celebrated every year on the full moon day during the month of Ashwin. Maharshi Valmiki authored the epic Ramayana which contains 24,000 shlokas and 7 cantos. Valmiki Jayanthi celebrated with a great devotion in Chinmaya Vidyalaya. Students of Std.VIII recited Rama Raksha Stotram. Few bhajans were presented on this auspicious day. Std X spoke about Maharshi Valmiki’s life and his works. Mrs. Arundhati Naik gave the concluding remarks. Teachers and students were present to mark the day.


“You need to achieve success in life”-this is a common thing which we hear in our
house. But, what does success mean? Does it mean just to achieve our goals setup in
our minds? Or just to be a big person? No, success is to climb from peak to peak.
In today’s competitive world, everyone just runs behind success. One runs behind
it for earning money in billions, while the other runs behind it for creating his own
respect in the society. But, one achieves success when he or she knows what to do
which they, do with love and care. Do you think great people like Sachin Tendulkar or
Roger Federer just achieved success in their field of sports or J.R.D.Tata just achieved
success in his field? No, these people became great people only by loving and knowing
their talents, converting them into their goals made them great.
st st We usually just speak about who is 1 to the class, but, do we ask who is 1 in cocurricular
activities? The answer is no. Though everyone have their own talents we
throw light only on one. Why? The young minds are special in their own way and
everyone can achieve great success in their life just by knowing their talents.
Adaptability is another important factor for achieving success. Until we adapt
ourselves to the environment we cannot survive happily in the society. This happiness
boosts in one’s mind to move towards or at least one step nearer to the goal.
The statement itself means to achieve your highest goal in our life, not to be on the
top of everyone. Everyone have their own capabilities according to which they need to
enact. It also means to be determined all the time and concentrate on your goal.
Swami Vivekananda has said it,” To succeed…….. You must have tremendous
perseverance, will power, hard work and you will definitely reach the goal” It is these
things that will make you climb your mountain and at the last you will be on the peak
which a sense of contentment, happiness and you will be proud of what you have
So, don’t be disappointed just because you don’t come first in class, be happy that
you are special. Go, create you’re your goal and may you climb from peak-to- peak.
Follow excellence then definitely success will follow you. Light your inner mind then the
glow spreads all over your face and your thoughts.