Waste Management (06-06-2022)

On account of World Environment Day(5th June 2022) this workshop was conducted. The guest of the day was Dr.Anita Kadagad Kembhave, A proactive socialist and environmentalist, a Yoga Consultant, Ayurveda Consultant Acupuncture Physician, Panchakarma Specialist and Counsellor.

It was an interactive session indeed, the students were well seated, involved and interacted well. The resource person gave a beautiful session on ‘Waste Management’. The guest came down to the children’s level and delivered knowledge lots of slides were shown of the reality in India and some metropolitan polluted cities, Garbage dump yards overflowing with Garbage, some burnt areas etc. She also stressed on the “Indian Civic Sense” and how the students could play their role in bringing about a change. She also demonstrated how to do a kitchen compact pit. She also demonstrated “3(R’s) Reduce-Reuse-Recycle”. Use of bags to collect all dry and wet trash at homes, in schools etc. “Segregation of Waste” into wet and dry.